Nota de aplicación
Established systems of spoken or written communication, distinct from other such systems and used by a particular nation, culture, people, or community, typically consisting of words used within a regular grammatical and syntactic structure. The concept may include established sign languages as well. For the general concept of verbal or non-verbal communication, use "language (general communication)."
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Conceptos Asociados
- .. conceptos asociados
- .... conceptos relacionados con el lenguaje
- ...... <languages and writing systems>
- ........ <languages and writing systems by general type>
- .......... languages (established systems of communication)
- .............. ancient languages
- .............. cants (language, general)
- .............. constructed languages
- .............. creoles (language, general)
- .............. dead languages
- .............. dialects
- .............. endangered languages
- .............. extinct languages
- .............. historic languages
- .............. jargon
- .............. language families
- .............. lingua francas
- .............. living languages
- .............. mixed languages
- .............. pidgins (language, general)
- .............. sign languages
- .............. spoken languages
- .............. written languages
- .......... writing systems [+]
Ubicaciones Adicionales
- Faceta Actividades
- .. Funciones
- .... función (actividad)
- ...... <funciones por contexto general>
- ........ funciones de comunicación
- .......... languages (established systems of communication)