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Nota de aplicación

Facilities designed to extract and store energy, employing one or more of the following methods, or other methods: harnessing energy from the differences between high tides and low tides by employing a "barrage" or type of dam to block receding water during ebb periods, the subsequent release of the water through a turbine generating electricity as the tide rises (similar to the workings of hydroelectric dams); using tidal stream power by utilizing ocean currents to drive turbines, particularly in areas around islands or coasts where these currents are fast, including systems that employ tidal fences where turbines are stretched across a channel or tidal turbines that resemble underwater wind turbines; using wave power systems to harness energy from the up-and-down motion of waves to drive energy production, installed in shoreline areas as well as offshore.

Términos alternativos

centrales mare-motrices

  1. "Comité, Plural del término en singular"

Ubicación jerarquía

Tipo de término
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