Nota de aplicación
Buildings that house establishments for the custody of money received from, or on behalf of, customers, with the essential duty of payment of the orders given on it by the customers. Banks' profits arise mainly from the investment of the money left unused by the customers. Bank buildings typically have indoor counters and windows where customers may make transactions, often with bars or other security devices securing the window, offices where bank officials may meet with customers, vaults for the secure storage of money and other valuables, and other security devices and measures. Exterior bank architecture traditionally imitates a Greek temple, although many other styles are employed as well.
Referencias bibliográficas
- "The Oxford- Duden Pictorial Spanish and English Dictionary", OUP Oxford, 1995, p. 438
Términos alternativos
bancos (institución financiera)
- "Comité, Plural del término en singular"
casa de banco (institución financiera)
- Moliner, María, "Diccionario de uso del Español", vol. 2, Gredos S.A., España, Madrid, 2004, p. 544
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Ambiente construido
- .... construcciones individuales
- ...... construcciones individuales
- ........ <construcciones individuales por tipo específico>
- .......... <construcciones individuales por función>
- ............ edificio comercial
- .............. institución financiera
- ................ banco (institución financiera)
- .................... sucursal bancaria
- .................... banco drive-in
- .................... Banco de Reserva Federal
- .................... banco móvil
- .................... caja de ahorro
- ................ counting houses
- ................ lonja de comercio (institución financiera) [+]