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Nota de aplicación

Muslim places of worship. Public mosques consist of an area reserved for communal prayers, frequently in a domed building with a minaret, and with a niche (mihrab) or other structure indicating the direction of Mecca. There may also be a platform for preaching (minbar), and an adjacent courtyard in which water is provided for the obligatory ablutions before prayer. Since representations of the human form are forbidden, decoration is geometric or based on Arabic calligraphy.

Referencias bibliográficas

  1. Dewey, Melvil, "Sistema de Clasificación Decimal Dewey e Indice Relativo", vol. Volúmen 2, Rojas Eberhard , Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia, 2000, p. 477
  2. Koch, Wilfried, "Baustilkunde: das grosse Standardwerk zur europäischen Baukunst von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart", Orbis Verlag, Alemania, Munich, 1991

Términos alternativos


  1. Álvarez Vidorreta, Fernando; Cadena Portal, Joaquín; de Cusa Ramos, Juan, "Diccionario de la decoración. Biblioteca básica de decoración", Ediciones Ceac, Barcelona, España, 1968, p. 36


  1. "Comité, Plural del término en singular"

Ubicación jerarquía

Tipo de término
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