Nota de aplicación
Refers generally to large bodies of military aircraft under the control of a ruler, state, or nation that is responsible for the conduct of air warfare. The term is extended to administrative and maintenance personnel in support of this force. Functions of air forces include control of airspace and support of land or seagoing military forces. Modern air forces of major nations have incorporated intercontinental ballistic missiles, long-range bombers, and aircraft both manned and un-manned.
Términos alternativos
base aérea
- Moliner, María, "Diccionario de uso del Español", vol. 2, Gredos S.A., España, Madrid, 2004, p. I:65
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta agentes
- .. organizaciones
- .... organización
- ...... fuerzas armadas
- ........ fuerza aérea
- ........ unidades de las fuerzas armadas [+]
- ........ ejercitos
- ........ caballería
- ........ guardacostas
- ........ infantería
- ........ milicia
- ........ marina