Nota de aplicación
Structure design that is specifically environmentally conscious, taking into account construction methods and materials that are locally available as well as the building's efficient use of resources, including systems of heating, cooling, power, water, and waste. Provides affordable, adequate shelter with minimal negative effect on the local and global environment; may be replicated and locally maintained.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Conceptos Asociados
- .. conceptos asociados
- .... <conceptos de artes y humanidades>
- ...... <géneros en las artes>
- ........ géneros arquitectónicos
- .......... arquitectura académica
- .......... arquitectura fluida
- .......... arquitectura fantástica [+]
- .......... arquitectura orgánica
- .......... arquitectura sustentable
- .......... arquitectura vernácula [+]