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Nota de aplicación

Refers to the style and culture of the Asturias region of northern Spain (modern Oviedo), particularly the cultures of the Medieval eighth- and ninth-century kingdom of Asturias. It is characterized by the retention and development of classical Roman forms and architectural techniques, anticipating the Romanesque style in Europe by two centuries. This style differs from contemporary Carolingian style in its distinct architectural iconography, often including walls of "petit appareil," stilted brick arches, ashlar quoins, and timber roofs with small barrel vaults over the apses.

Referencias bibliográficas

  1. Moliner, María, "Diccionario de uso del Español", vol. 2, Gredos S.A., España, Madrid, 2004, p. I:280
  2. S/A, "La Enciclo", vol. 3 Volúmenes, Arrayán, 1993, p. 106

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