Nota de aplicación
Receptacle, typically of gold, silver, or another precious material, intended for the preservation of relics, which are the physical remains of a holy person or an object of particular veneration. Reliquary monstrances are distinguished by having an opening or transparent covering, sometimes a horizontal cylinder of glass, crystal, etc. through which the venerated object may be seen. For receptacles specifically for the display of the sacred Host, use "monstrances."
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Mobiliario y equipo
- .... Contenedores (Nombre Jerárquico)
- ...... contenedor (receptáculo)
- ........ <contenedores por función o contexto>
- .......... contenedor (ceremonial)
- ............ contenedor litúrgico
- .............. relicario
- ................ relicario anatómico
- ................ urna relicario [+]
- ................ phylacteries
- ................ busto-relicario
- ................ reliquary monstrances
- ................ relicario parlante
- ................ staurothekes