Nota de aplicación
Members of a class containing one order (Cubomedusae) of sea wasps and box jellyfish, box-like tropical medusae that swim strongly, have single or grouped tentacles arising above the four corners, and somtimes are fiercely stinging, causing human fatalities.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta agentes
- .. organismo vivo (nombre jerárquico)
- .... organismo vivo (entidad)
- ...... Eucariota (dominio)
- ........ animal (reino)
- .......... Cnidaria (phylum)
- ............ Anthozoa (class) [+]
- ............ Cubozoa (clase)
- ............ Hidrozoo (clase) [+]
- ............ medusa
- ............ Scyphozoa (clase)