Nota de aplicación
Institutions that store, maintain, and care for non-active public records or other important historical documents that are arranged as an organized body. The documents in an archive were received or originated in connection with the activities of an organization, institution or individual, and are preserved because of their continuing value.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta agentes
- .. organizaciones
- .... organización
- ...... institución
- ........ <instituciones por actividad>
- .......... aquariums (institutions) [+]
- .......... archives (institutions)
- .............. digital archives (institutions)
- .......... cabarets (institutions)
- .......... conservation centers
- .......... correctional institutions (institutions) [+]
- .......... cultural centers (institutions)
- .......... dance companies
- .......... educational institutions [+]
- .......... financial institutions (institutions) [+]
- .......... galleries [+]
- .......... gardens (institutions)
- .......... <health and welfare institutions> [+]
- .......... libraries (institutions) [+]
- .......... museums (institutions) [+]
- .......... opera companies
- .......... parks (institutions)
- .......... planetaria (institutions)
- .......... railroads (administrative)
- .......... religious institutions [+]
- .......... depositario (institución)
- .......... research centers (institutions)
- .......... research institutes (institutions)
- .......... theaters (institutions)
- .......... transit systems (administrative)
- .......... visual resources collections [+]
- .......... zoos (institutions)