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Nota de aplicación

Order containing 7 families, 199 genera, and 4,445 species of flowering plants. Members of the order range from annual and perennial herbs to herbaceous or woody vines, shrubs, and, in a few cases, trees. Ranunculales is part of a group of families and orders informally called the basal eudicots. One of the main characteristics that distinguish these families and other eudicots from the monocotyledons (species with one embryonic leaf in their seed) and basal angiosperms is the pollen, which typically has three openings (colpi) instead of one. They also lack ethereal oils, which characterize many orders among the basal flowering plants. In Ranunculales, the petals seem to have evolved from staminodes (sterile stamens) rather than bracts (floral leaves), and the carpels are unfused in most members of the order.

Ubicación jerarquía

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