Nota de aplicación
In avoirdupois measure, standardized units of weight and mass equal to 16 ounces (7000 grains, exactly 0.45359237 kg). The pound was originally made up of 12 ounces, as in the system of troy weight which is still used in stating the weight of precious metals.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta atributos físicos
- .. atributos y propiedades
- .... <atributos y propiedades por tipo específico>
- ...... atributos de forma
- ........ tamaño/dimensión
- .......... <tamaño/dimensión por unidad>
- ............ <size/dimension units for weight>
- .............. carats (measurements for gems)
- .............. grams (measurements)
- .............. kilograms
- .............. metric tons
- .............. ounces (units for weight)
- .............. pounds (units for weight)
- .............. tons
- .............. troy ounces