Nota de aplicación
General term referring to many types of grass distinguished by a pleasant scent or taste, and used as animal feed, bedding, and incense, among other uses.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta materiales
- .. materiales (nombre jerárquico)
- .... material
- ...... <materiales por origen>
- ........ material biológico
- .......... material vegetal
- ............ hierba (material vegetal)
- .............. bambú (material) [+]
- .............. anea (material)
- .............. grama
- .............. hierba marina herbácea
- .............. heno
- .............. carrizo (material) [+]
- .............. junco (material)
- .............. azúcar de caña
- .............. sweetgrass (material)