Nota de aplicación
Architectural movement and style which began in England ca. 1715-1770, and was later seen in The United States in the early 19th century. Taking its inspiration from the work of 16th century Venetian architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) and his 17th century British disciple Inigo Jones (1573-1652), the style is seen as a reaction to the Baroque architecture of the time, and was based on the symmetry and forms of classical Greek and Roman temples. Palladian Revival is seen mostly in residential architecture and large country estates.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Estilos y Períodos
- .. Estilos y períodos
- .... <Estilos, períodos y culturas por región>
- ...... Europeo
- ........ <estilos y movimientos europeos modernos>
- .......... <estilos y movimientos regionales europeos modernos>
- ............ <estilos y movimientos británicos modernos>
- .............. estilos historicistas británicos modernos
- ................ Neoisabelino
- ................ Revival georgiano
- ................ Jacobino actual
- ................ Jacobino
- ................ Palladian Revival
- ................ Neoestuardo
- ................ Neotudor
- ................ Neovictoriano