Nota de aplicación
A guide term is a record represented by a term or phrase that is created as a hierarchical level to provide order and structure to thesauri by grouping narrower terms according to a given logic. Guide terms are not used for indexing and are often enclosed in angled brackets or otherwise distinguished from other terms in displays (for example, ).
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Componente
- .... componente (parte de objetos)
- ...... <componentes según contexto específico>
- ........ componente (artefactos de información)
- .......... <components for controlled vocabularies>
- ............ ancestors (controlled vocabulary)
- ............ broader terms
- ............ descendants (controlled vocabulary)
- ............ facets (controlled vocabulary)
- ............ guide terms
- ............ hierarchy roots
- ............ narrower terms
- ............ qualifiers (controlled vocabulary)
- ............ related terms (controlled vocabulary)
- ............ siblings (controlled vocabulary)
- ............ terms (controlled vocabulary) [+]