Nota de aplicación
Relatives who are bound to one through the marriage of a blood relative to another person after the death or divorce of the spouse of that blood relative.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta agentes
- .. gente
- .... gente
- ...... <gente por relación familiar>
- ........ antepasado [+]
- ........ caregivers
- ........ primo
- ........ descendiente [+]
- ........ in-laws [+]
- ........ sobrino [+]
- ........ relatives (familial)
- ........ pareja romántica [+]
- ........ hermanos [+]
- ........ esposos [+]
- ........ step-relatives
- ............ stepbrothers
- ............ stepchildren [+]
- ............ stepfathers
- ............ stepmothers
- ............ stepsisters
- ........ tíos [+]