Nota de aplicación
Places, usually small in size, where man-made features in a transportation network are located, including stations, docks, platforms, and other spot features; excludes roads and tracks. For large communities that are hubs for transportation, use "transportation centers."
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Ambiente construido
- .... asentamientos y paisajes
- ...... paisaje (entorno)
- ........ paisaje cultural
- .......... <paisajes culturales por localización o contexto>
- ............ paisaje industrial
- ............ oasis
- ............ horizonte urbano
- ............ streetscape
- ............ paisaje suburbano
- ............ townscape (medio ambiente construido)
- ............ transport points
- ............ paisaje urbano (paisaje cultural)
- ............ parque natural [+]