Nota de aplicación
People who tap trees for sap or juice, which involves boring holes into the trunk, tapping a metal or wooden spile into the hole, and collecting the exuded sap the sap or juice without killing the tree. Examples include those who tap maple trees and rubber trees.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta agentes
- .. gente
- .... gente
- ...... <gente por ocupación>
- ........ <gente en agricultura u ocupaciones de recursos naturales>
- .......... <gente en agricultura>
- ............ agricultor [+]
- ............ granjero [+]
- ............ jardinero
- ............ grooms (animal caregivers)
- ............ harvesters (people in agriculture)
- ............ ganadero [+]
- ............ ganadero [+]
- ............ milkers [+]
- ............ ranchero
- ............ tappers (people in agriculture)