Nota de aplicación
Those whose occupation or profession is to play games played with a ball and a bat, in which a player strikes the ball with the bat and attempts to run to one or more bases to score points.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta agentes
- .. gente
- .... gente
- ...... <gente por actividad>
- ........ atleta
- .......... archers
- .......... baseball players
- .......... basketball players
- .......... bowlers (people)
- .......... boxeador
- .......... bullfighters [+]
- .......... esgrimista
- .......... gladiador
- .......... golfers
- .......... jockey (gente)
- .......... mountain climbers
- .......... runners (people)
- .......... soccer players
- .......... tennis players
- .......... luchador (atleta)