Nota de aplicación
Pavilions in which winding grooves were chiseled into the stone slab flooring; flowing water was then diverted into the grooves. Guests invited to a banquet would place wooden or extremely thin chinaware cups of wine in the water and allow them to flow along the grooves. The person in front of whom a cup stopped would drink the wine and compose an impromptu poem.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Ambiente construido
- .... construcciones individuales
- ...... construcciones individuales
- ........ <construcciones individuales por tipo específico>
- .......... <construcciones individuales por localización o contexto>
- ............ estructura de jardín
- .............. pabellón (estructura de jardín)
- ................ flowing-cup pavilions
- ................ xie