Nota de aplicación
High platforms or terraces built in early China for emperors to offer sacrifices to Heaven. The emperor was able to see far into the distance from the top of the platforms, and so they became a symbol for the mountains. In later centuries, they became a type of structure used in gardens for entertaining.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Ambiente construido
- .... espacios abiertos y elementos de sitios
- ...... elemento del sitio
- ........ elementos del paisaje
- .......... escalón estratificado (elemento de sitios) [+]
- .......... berma (elementos del paisaje)
- .......... borrowed view
- .......... cesped (verde)
- .......... ha-ha
- .......... hedgerows
- .......... seto (elementos del paisaje) [+]
- .......... césped (cultivado)
- .......... parterre [+]
- .......... tai (landscaped site element)
- .......... terraza
- .......... topiaria
- .......... grada de césped
- .......... elemento acuático [+]