Nota de aplicación
Activities associated with the order or authorization, often including a contract, for the production of a thing, performance, written work, or other such activity. Common examples are commissions for artists, architects, engineers, or construction companies for designs or construction of a building, piece of equipment, or work of art. For the work orders produced by the process of commissioning, use "commissions (orders for work)."
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Actividades
- .. Funciones
- .... función (actividad)
- ...... <funciones por contexto específico>
- ........ <negocios y funciones relacionadas>
- .......... negocio (función comercial)
- ............ contabilidad [+]
- ............ banca
- ............ commissioning (function)
- ............ consigning (function)
- ............ exportación
- ............ importación
- ............ industria manufacturera [+]
- ............ privatization
- ............ venta [+]
- ............ especulación
- ............ comercio (función) [+]