Nota de aplicación
Medals with Philip II of Spain, ruler of the Netherlands, on one side and on the other two hands clasped through a beggar's pouch. These were worn as a pendants from 1566 by rebellious noblemen to mark membership of their closed group.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. comunicación verbal y visual
- .... obras visuales
- ...... obras visuales
- ........ <obras visuales por forma>
- .......... medalla
- ............ beggar's medals
- ............ medalla de nacimiento
- ............ medalla conmemorativa
- ............ medalla devocional
- ............ marriage medals
- ............ medallón (medalla) [+]
- ............ peace medals
- ............ satirical medals
- ............ steunpennings