Nota de aplicación
In the visual arts, oral works, music, performing arts, and literature, the topics, themes, or other visual, oral, or written content of the work. It includes what the work is of or about.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Conceptos Asociados
- .. conceptos asociados
- .... conceptos multidisciplinarios
- ...... autenticidad
- ...... posición corporal [+]
- ...... common (extent designation)
- ...... <fechas y sistemas calendáricos> [+]
- ...... dedication (information indicator)
- ...... error
- ...... former (information indicator)
- ...... general
- ...... groupings (general concept)
- ...... directriz
- ...... híbrido
- ...... information [+]
- ...... <information and information related concepts> [+]
- ...... interdisciplinariedad
- ...... method of representation (information indicator)
- ...... metodología [+]
- ...... misceláneo
- ...... multidisciplinariedad
- ...... not applicable (general information indicator)
- ...... obsolescencia
- ...... occupation (multidisciplinary concept)
- ...... other (information indicator)
- ...... overall (extent designation)
- ...... particular
- ...... porcentaje
- ...... point of view (information indicator)
- ...... possible (information indicator)
- ...... primary (general designation)
- ...... protected status [+]
- ...... provenance (source of origin)
- ...... purpose (information indicator)
- ...... regla (instrucción) [+]
- ...... secondary (general designation)
- ...... setting (surroundings)
- ...... signals (multidisciplinary concept)
- ...... sources (general concept)
- ...... space (natural or built world) [+]
- ...... estándar (concepto) [+]
- ...... subjects (content of works)
- .......... various subjects (information indicator)
- ...... teoría
- ...... tipología
- ...... unavailable (information indicator)
- ...... undetermined (information indicator)
- ...... unidentified (information indicator)
- ...... views (general appearances)