Nota de aplicación
Shifting cultivation plots of the Arawak people that formed a part of their agricultural system. These were selected and controlled by individual families to grow starchy and sugar-rich foods such as tubers.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Ambiente construido
- .... asentamientos y paisajes
- ...... paisaje (entorno)
- ........ paisaje cultural
- .......... <paisajes culturales por función>
- ............ tierra agrícola
- .............. tierra arable
- .............. Celtic fields
- .............. chinampa
- .............. conucos
- .............. crofts (agricultural land)
- .............. suelo de cultivo
- .............. tierra de labranza [+]
- .............. grazing areas
- .............. pastizal
- .............. terreno de pastoreo