Nota de aplicación
Use one of the qualifiers here to express uncertainty when the attribution of a work to a known creator is in question or to note a former attribution. The following may also be used for attributions to unknown artists (e.g., attributed to unknown Celtic).
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Conceptos Asociados
- .. conceptos asociados
- .... <conceptos de artes y humanidades>
- ...... <conceptos históricos, teóricos y críticos>
- ........ attribution qualifiers
- .......... <qualifiers for attributions to a known creator>
- .............. attributed to (attribution qualifier)
- .............. formerly attributed to (attribution qualifier)
- .............. probably by (attribution qualifier)
- .............. possibly by (attribution qualifier)
- .......... <qualifiers for creators working directly with a known creator> [+]
- .......... <qualifiers for creators not working directly with a known creator> [+]
- .......... <qualifiers for creators influenced by a known creator> [+]