Nota de aplicación
Hand gesture indicating the union of the five knowledges of the jina Buddhas into a single enlightenment. The index finger of the left hand is enclosed by the five fingers of the right hand.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Conceptos Asociados
- .. conceptos asociados
- .... conceptos multidisciplinarios
- ...... posición corporal
- ........ gesto
- .......... mudra
- ............ abhaya mudra
- ............ anjali mudra
- ............ bhumisparsa mudra
- ............ bodhyangi mudra
- ............ dharmacakra mudra
- ............ tarjani mudra
- ............ vajrahunkara mudra
- ............ varada mudra
- ............ vitarka mudra
- ............ vyakhyana mudra