Nota de aplicación
Works created by using a resist material, such as tempera, gouache, waxy crayon, or another material, to create a design on a support, usually heavy watercolor paper. The design is covered with ink, allowed to dry, and the ink is washed off. In areas where the underlying material was omitted or thinly applied, the black ink pervades; in areas where the underlying material was more thickly applied, its color and texture remain.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. comunicación verbal y visual
- .... obras visuales
- ...... obras visuales
- ........ <obras visuales por medio o técnica>
- .......... pintura (obra visual)
- ............ <pinturas por material o técnica>
- .............. pintura acrílica (obra visual)
- .............. pintura sobre corteza
- .............. pintura sobre lienzo
- .............. pintura de caseína (obra visual)
- .............. pintura al encausto
- .............. pintura con los dedos (obra visual)
- .............. pintura fluorescente (arte)
- .............. fresco
- .............. ink resist paintings
- .............. ink wash paintings
- .............. pintura al óleo (obra visual) [+]
- .............. sarga (obra visual)
- .............. tempera paintings
- .............. theorem (pintura)
- .............. Tüchleins (visual works)
- .............. acuarela (obra visual) [+]