Nota de aplicación
General term for the conceptual arrangement of a built work, as imagined in a horizontal section of the building; including the footprint, the arrangement of the passages, rooms, and openings, colonnades, walls, and partitions, at the level of the principal or ground floor. For drawings or other visual works that represent the conceptual floor plan, use "floor plans (orthographic projections)."
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta atributos físicos
- .. atributos y propiedades
- .... <atributos y propiedades por tipo específico>
- ...... atributos de forma
- ........ <atributos formales en arquitectura>
- .......... atributo (planta construida)
- ............ planta axial
- ............ planta basilical
- ............ <plantas construidas por disposición de columnas> [+]
- ............ planta central
- ............ circular plan
- ............ Egyptian cross plan
- ............ floor plans (form attributes)
- ............ planta de cruz griega
- ............ hexagonal plan
- ............ planta de cruz latina
- ............ octagonal plan
- ............ planta abierta
- ............ square plan