Nota de aplicación
Sites upon which one building is built, altered through major accretion to become a different building, or rebuilt as a different building over time, but still retaining the same function and often the same name. The term is often, but not exclusively, used for archaeological sites having this characteristic; refers to both the site and the sum of structures that have occupied the site over time. Examples include the Aztec Templo Mayor, which was rebuilt six times on the same site, and the Temple of Jerusalem, also rebuilt several times on the same site, and Stonehenge, altered through accretion over centuries. To refer in general to a site where a building is or was located, whether or not the building is under construction, use "building sites."
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Ambiente construido
- .... complejos construidos y distritos
- ...... complejo
- ........ <complejos por función>
- .......... sitio
- ............ ancient sites
- ............ sitio arqueológico [+]
- ............ campo de batalla
- ............ brownfield site
- ............ sitio edificado [+]
- ............ lugar de entierro
- ............ sitio ceremonial [+]
- ............ campo de concentración (sitio)
- ............ sitio de construcción
- ............ sitio histórico en peligro de desaparición
- ............ lugar de pesca (sitio)
- ............ bosque petrificado
- ............ sitio histórico
- ............ recinto sagrado
- ............ hunting bases
- ............ kaya
- ............ medicine wheels
- ............ sitio megalítico
- ............ campo petrolero (sitio)
- ............ sitio paleontológico [+]
- ............ centro de peregrinación
- ............ lugar de castigo
- ............ sitio prehistórico
- ............ sitio protohistórico
- ............ rebuilding sites
- ............ sitio sagrado [+]
- ............ sitio de prueba [+]
- ............ tirtha
- ............ estación de transferencia
- ............ type sites
- ............ yacimiento sumergido [+]
- ............ Patrimonio de la Humanidad Cultural y Natural
- ............ naufragio (sitio)