Nota de aplicación
Material comprising the leaves of any of several species of trees in the family Theaceae, used for many purposes by humans. Examples include tea leaves used to create a beverage or food, as a dye, as a cleanser, as an adsorbent, as an absorbent of moisture or odor, and in interpretive divination.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta materiales
- .. materiales (nombre jerárquico)
- .... material
- ...... <materiales por origen>
- ........ material biológico
- .......... material vegetal
- ............ hoja (material vegetal)
- .............. bay leaf (material)
- .............. maize leaf (material)
- .............. maté (leaves)
- .............. hoja de palmera
- .............. tea leaf
- .............. tabaco (material)