Nota de aplicación
Triangular outworks situated in the moats of fortifications, and that resemble bastions with a crescent-shaped gorge, constructed to protect a bastion or curtain. The term is often used interchangeably with 'ravelins'. Historically there may have been distinguishing characteristics between ravelins and demi-lunes in the Italian school of fortification design, but in the modern era these terms are most often used synonymously.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Componente
- .... componente (parte de objetos)
- ...... <componentes según contexto específico>
- ........ elemento de arquitectura
- .......... <elementos arquitectónicos según tipo de construcción>
- ............ elemento (fortificación)
- .............. obra exterior
- ................ barbacana
- ................ caponera
- ................ contramina
- ................ contraescarpa
- ................ camino cubierto
- ................ demi-lunes (outworks)
- ................ flèches (fortification elements)
- ................ glacis
- ................ hornabeque
- ................ empalizada (obra exterior)
- ................ revellín [+]
- ................ escarpa