Nota de aplicación
General term for businesses and people having occupations related to health and medicine. In a given region or community, the term may be by law reserved for a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, podiatrist, dentist, chiropractor, clinical psychologist, optometrist, nurse practitioner, nurse-midwife, clinical social worker who is authorized to practice medicine, or other defined specialists.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta agentes
- .. gente
- .... gente
- ...... <gente por ocupación>
- ........ <científicos y gente en ocupaciones relacionadas con la ciencia>
- .......... <gente en salud y medicina>
- ............ anatomista
- ............ quiropráctico
- ............ dentista
- ............ dietista
- ............ curandero
- ............ higienista
- ............ enfermero
- ............ optometrista
- ............ farmacéutico
- ............ farmacólogo
- ............ médico [+]
- ............ psicoanalista
- ............ terapeuta [+]
- ............ veterinario
- ............ herborista
- ............ midwives
- ............ health care providers
- ............ barber surgeons
- ............ apothecaries