Nota de aplicación
Numbers that firms such as commercial art dealers or galleries may assign to objects when taking them in to stock. These are typically written or affixed on the objects themselves, and can be used to associate particular objects with entries in a stock or sales book. These numbers are not necessarily unique, and objects may have multiple stock numbers.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. comunicación verbal y visual
- .... formas de información (nombre jerárquico)
- ...... forma de información
- ........ artefacto de información
- .......... <artefactos de información por función>
- ............ artefacto de identificación
- .............. identification numbers and codes
- ................ identification numbers
- .................. accession numbers
- .................. call numbers
- .................. catalog numbers
- .................. creation numbers
- .................. EAN
- .................. ISAN (identification numbers)
- .................. ISBN
- .................. ISMN
- .................. lot numbers
- .................. NBN
- .................. personal identification numbers
- .................. postcodes
- .................. repository numbers
- .................. stock numbers
- .................. street numbers