Nota de aplicación
Monophonic liturgical music in use in the Ethiopian national church; chants are sung in the Geez (Ethiopic) language. Although the liturgy of this church is eclectic with particularly strong influence from the Egyptian Coptic Church, the chant repertory is almost exclusively of indigenous Ethiopian heritage.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. comunicación verbal y visual
- .... Obras literarias y de las artes escénicas (nombre jerárquico)
- ...... composición musical
- ........ canción
- .......... cántico (géneros de documentos para música)
- ............ Ambrosian chants
- ............ Anglican chants
- ............ Armenian chants
- ............ Beneventan chants
- ............ Buddhist chants
- ............ Byzantine chants
- ............ Chaldean chants
- ............ Coptic chants
- ............ Ethiopian chants
- ............ canto gregoriano
- ............ Hawaiian chants
- ............ Hindu chants
- ............ Jewish chants
- ............ Maori chants
- ............ Mozarabic chants
- ............ Navajo chants
- ............ plainsong
- ............ Sufi chants
- ............ Syrian chants