Nota de aplicación
Genre of performing arts involving light popular songs, commonly of a satirical or topical nature, often together with a play or stage performance of a light and amusing character, often with other entertainments such a juggling, mime, etc. Particularly popular in the USA from the mid-1890s until the early 1930s.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Conceptos Asociados
- .. conceptos asociados
- .... <conceptos de artes y humanidades>
- ...... <géneros literarios, orales y de artes de la representación>
- ........ <genres for performing arts>
- .......... acrobacia
- .......... actuación
- .......... danza
- .......... illusion (performing art)
- .......... mime (performing art)
- .......... música [+]
- .......... music theater (performing arts genre)
- .......... oratoria
- .......... titeretada (artes de la representación) [+]
- .......... drama religioso
- .......... canto (artes de la representación)
- .......... spoken word
- .......... narración
- .......... street theater (performing art)
- .......... theater (performing arts genre)
- .......... tightrope walking
- .......... vaudeville