Nota de aplicación
Sculptural works that may be worn on the human body. These are usually meant to be activated or completed by the movement of a wearer in performance situations, though they are frequently exhibited as static objects. Costume or apparel works are often referred to as wearable art, though a distinction should be made between streetwear, costume, and 'wearable art,' here scoped as sculpture.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. comunicación verbal y visual
- .... obras visuales
- ...... obras visuales
- ........ <obras visuales por medio o técnica>
- .......... escultura
- ............ <esculturas por función>
- .............. agere Ifa
- .............. boli
- .............. escultura conmemorativa [+]
- .............. díptico consular
- .............. duck decoys
- .............. fairings
- .............. fetiche (esculturas conmemorativas) [+]
- .............. escultura funeraria [+]
- .............. hacha (obra visual)
- .............. ikegobo
- .............. ikenga
- .............. maqueta (escultura)
- .............. ndop
- .............. netsuke [+]
- .............. ofo
- .............. okimonos
- .............. onile
- .............. porpianong
- .............. portable art
- .............. escultura procesional
- .............. figura (relicarios) [+]
- .............. dios de los báculos
- .............. toa
- .............. vomitive spatulas
- .............. wearable art