Nota de aplicación
Guitars with twelve strings in six courses, most commonly found in acoustic iterations, but electric versions exist. The instrument likely emerged in the last decades of the 19th century and was probably inspired by other double-course instruments, such as the mandolin.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Mobiliario y equipo
- .... artefactos sonoros (nombre jerárquico)
- ...... sound devices (equipment)
- ........ <artefactos sonoros por función>
- .......... instrumento musical
- ............ <temporary alphabetical list: musical instruments>
- .............. 12-string guitars
- .............. alto saxophones
- .............. órgano de banda
- .............. bombardino baritono
- .............. saxofón barítono
- .............. bajo (eléctrico)
- .............. clapper stick
- .............. effects pedals
- .............. electronic effects device
- .............. electronic keyboard
- .............. friction harps
- .............. friction instrument
- .............. highland bagpipe
- .............. irish bagpipe
- .............. kiva bells
- .............. Mellotrons
- .............. music sampler
- .............. musical anvil
- .............. musical bell
- .............. musical chime
- .............. musical cowbell
- .............. musical gong
- .............. musical rattle
- .............. musical scraper
- .............. musical whip
- .............. musical whistle
- .............. practice chanters
- .............. resonator guitars
- .............. ringing stone
- .............. slide trumpets
- .............. soprano saxophones
- .............. tamburitzas
- .............. tenor drums
- .............. tenor guitars
- .............. tenor saxophones
- .............. theorobo
- .............. triple flageotets
- .............. ukelins
- .............. valve bugle
- .............. valve cornets
Ubicaciones Adicionales
- Faceta Objetos
- .. Mobiliario y equipo
- .... artefactos sonoros (nombre jerárquico)
- ...... sound devices (equipment)
- ........ <artefactos sonoros por características acústicas>
- .......... cordófono
- ............ cordofonos tipo laúd
- .............. cordófonos tipo laúd: de pulsacíon
- ................ <cordofonos tipo laúd de mástil largo: de pulsación>
- .................. guitarra
- .................... 12-string guitars