Nota de aplicación
Objects that symbolically represents a flail, which is an implement having stout handle at the end of which are attached ropes or chains for whipping. Examples include flails used by Ancient Egyptians during religious and funerary ceremonies, often consisting of a staff with three rods attached by a ring.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. categorías de objetos
- .... género de objetos (clasificación de objetos)
- ...... <categorías de objetos por función>
- ........ objeto ceremonial
- .......... bola de cristal
- .......... dance staffs
- .......... objeto funerario
- .......... objeto religioso [+]
- .......... ritual flails
- .......... objeto ritual
- .......... objeto sagrado
- .......... objeto de boda
- .......... yollohtopilli
- .......... miniaturas (ritual containers)
- .......... objeto espiritual
- .......... <temporary alphabetical list: ceremonial objects> [+]
- .......... gohei