Nota de aplicación
Works done by painting on the front or the reverse of glass, including with vitrified pigments. In the context of stained glass windows and panels, refers to parts of the image that are painted on glass (often stained glass), especially the smaller details. Also includes works on flat surfaces, vessels, and other types of works. Painted glass mirrors and other glass decoration, and painted works in the manner of painting on canvas or wooden panels were known since ancient times.
Ubicación jerarquía
- Faceta Objetos
- .. comunicación verbal y visual
- .... obras visuales
- ...... obras visuales
- ........ <obras visuales por medio o técnica>
- .......... pintura (obra visual)
- ............ <pinturas por localización o contexto>
- .............. pintura para cielorraso
- .............. iluminación (pintura)
- .............. retrato de momia
- .............. pintura mural [+]
- .............. painted glass (visual works)
- .................. reverse paintings on glass (visual works)
- .............. porcelain paintings (visual works)
- .............. pottery paintings (visual works)
- .............. quadratura
- .............. quadro riportato
- .............. pintura rupestre (rocas) [+]
- .............. pintura de salón
- .............. vidriera (obra visual)
- .............. pintura de vasos [+]