Nota de aplicación
Refers to a strong organic acid derived from sorrel and other plants. A crystalline powder, oxalic acid lends itself to many commercial applications, principally as a bleaching agent and as a reducing agent to remove tarnish, rust and ink stains. In art manufacture and conservation, further uses include removal of paint and varnish, and cleaning of encrustations from sculptures and paintings.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta materiales
- .. materiales (nombre jerárquico)
- .... material
- ...... <materiales por propiedades>
- ........ ácido
- .......... ácido acético [+]
- .......... acrylic acid
- .......... adipic acid
- .......... alpha-lipoic acid
- .......... amino acid [+]
- .......... ácido bórico
- .......... ácido carbólico [+]
- .......... ácido carmínico
- .......... ácido cítrico
- .......... ácido graso [+]
- .......... formic acid
- .......... gallic acid
- .......... ácido clorhídrico [+]
- .......... ácido fluorhídrico
- .......... lactic acid
- .......... ácido nítrico
- .......... nucleic acid [+]
- .......... oxalic acid
- .......... ácido fosfórico
- .......... decapado
- .......... silicic acid
- .......... ácido sulfúrico
- .......... tanino
- .......... uronic acid