Nota de aplicación
In the context of a formal or casual meal, the last course, consisting of a sweet food, such as fruit, sweetmeats, cake, ice cream, or the like.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta materiales
- .. materiales (nombre jerárquico)
- .... material
- ...... <materiales por función>
- ........ alimento
- .......... barm
- .......... beverages [+]
- .......... bouillon
- .......... pan [+]
- .......... caramelo [+]
- .......... chicha
- .......... chocolate
- .......... dessert
- .............. ice cream cones
- .......... dough
- .......... drinks
- .......... jam
- .......... jelly
- .......... mazamorra
- .......... <milk and milk by product> [+]
- .......... pasta
- .......... pastry
- .......... soup
- .......... <spices and seasonings> [+]
- .......... sweetmeats (food)
- .......... vegetables
- .......... waffles