Nota de aplicación
Any liquid that may be ingested for assuaging thirst, or as nourishment. For prepared or flavored liquids drunk as refreshment, or for pleasure, including alcoholic drinks, but excluding plain water, use 'beverages,' though these concepts overlap in meaning and usage.
Ubicación jerarquía
- faceta materiales
- .. materiales (nombre jerárquico)
- .... material
- ...... <materiales por función>
- ........ alimento
- .......... barm
- .......... beverages [+]
- .......... bouillon
- .......... pan [+]
- .......... caramelo [+]
- .......... chicha
- .......... chocolate
- .......... dessert [+]
- .......... dough
- .......... drinks
- .......... jam
- .......... jelly
- .......... mazamorra
- .......... <milk and milk by product> [+]
- .......... pasta
- .......... pastry
- .......... soup
- .......... <spices and seasonings> [+]
- .......... sweetmeats (food)
- .......... vegetables
- .......... waffles